黄日华多次商演,弯弓射雕成招牌动作, 网友:一个角色吃一生

导读: 尽管金庸先生已经离开了我们,但他留下的经典作品依然经久不衰,黄日华作为83版《射雕英雄传》的主角,给我们留下了深刻的印象,其中最经典的应该就是他弯弓射大雕的动作。近日

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What"s yours is mine" or none at all


KIDS are notoriouslybad at sharing" but their senseof fairness may be culturally determined. Children from Western cultures are more likely to reject an offer that unfairly benefits them than kids from other countries.


To study when a sense of fairness develops" Peter Blake at Boston University" Katherine McAuliffe at Yale University and their colleagues played an inequality game with 866 pairs of children from Canada" India" Mexico" Peru" Senegal" Uganda and the US. In each game two kids were allocateddifferent numbers of treatswith one deciding whether to accept the amount on behalf of both.


Children from all cultures turned down receiving less than their partner" between the ages of 4 and 10" suggesting this form of fairness isuniversal" says Blake. However" only older children from the US" Canada and Uganda rejected an allocation that favored them over the other child-starting at around age 11.


"This behavior seemsshapedby culture"" says Blake. Further work suggested Western teachers might have an influence on how these children"s ideas developed



1、 notorious 声名狼藉的

2、 allocate 分配

3、 treats 零食

4、 on behalf of 代表

5、 universal 普遍的

6、 shape 塑造 身材


1、 sense of belonging 归属感

2、 sense of achievement 成就感

3、 sense of security 安全感

4、 sense of fulfillment 充实感

5、 quota 配额(限量)

6、 snack bar 小吃店

7、 universe 宇宙

8、 be in shape 身材好

9、 be out of shape 身材走样





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