
导读: 一系列丰富多彩的外语节活动为每个学生多方面展示自己的外语才能搭建了舞台,激发了学生对学习英语的兴趣,增强了他们的自信心。各班都有部分学生将查到的信息和课堂学到的知



本次外语节主题为“我们从这里走向世界--- 澳大利亚文化节”。一系列丰富多彩的外语节活动为每个学生多方面展示自己的外语才能搭建了舞台,激发了学生对学习英语的兴趣,增强了他们的自信心。



From 24th through 29th of December" 2019" our school launched a series of colorful activities of the 22nd Foreign Language Festival" which set up a stage for every student to show his or her foreign language ability in many ways" stimulated students" interest in learning English" and enhance their self-confidence. While promoting foreign language teaching in school" the festival also created a better atmosphere for English learning and art" and enriched the foreign language culture on campus. It highlighted the characteristics of foreign language teaching in our school and improved the students" practical ability of the English language.

During the foreign language festival" Students held English calligraphy exhibition" spelling competition" oral competition" foreign language song singing competition and other activities. Students’ basic skills such as writing" spelling and pronunciation have been developed. They also found great fun in learning foreign languages. All the activities encouraged the students to lay a good foundation and learn foreign languages well.

At the same time" the school also organized an activity entitled "Australian inquiry tour" to encourage more able students in English to actively participate in it" to carry forward the spirit of self-study and inquiry" and do research about Australia . Quite a few students from each class combined the relevant information obtained through the Internet with the knowledge learned in class" and made beautiful PowerPoint documents which demonstrated the unique culture and customs of Australia. The pictures used in their works were lively and interesting; and the text were concise" beautiful and well organized. The participants presented their works to their peers in class. All the Children improved their English" broadened their horizons in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. The activity effectively cultivated students’ interest in learning English" developed their critical thinking ability" and promoted the inquiry spirit.



My Impression of Australia

by宋博雯 Song Bowen from Class 1 Grade 6

I have been to Australia two times. And I found there are many differences between Australia and China. There are many special animals in Australia" such as the kangaroo" koala and emu. There are no tall buildings in housing estates . They are all made of houses. There are many different plants there. The students there are very healthy. I also made many friends there. We often talk with each other through WeChat. I was very happy in Australia.

——预备(1)班 宋博雯



——预备(2)班 陈思妤

I am Zheng Jiaying from Class 2 Grade7. In this Foreign Language Festival" I attended the Australian Speech with my team members through the guidance of the teacher. We investigated the data to find out the characteristics of Australia. Finally" I merged them together and completed the PPT and speech preparation. I"m glad that the members of the team trust me very much and let me show the results on behalf of our group. In the class selection contest" I also saw many students" advantages" such as loud voice or grasping the time of each part of the speech" further modifying their preparations" and more efforts to practice. Grade group evaluation gives me a strong sense of tension" the representatives of all classes are fully prepared" self-confident and natural. When I learned that I had won the final victory" I felt a strong sense of pride in my heart. I would also like to thank Mr. Ren for his patient guidance and advice on my PPT and pronunciation and intonation. I think this kind of festival is meaningful because it not only improves our English but also raise our interest of learning English.


——初一(2)班 郑佳颖


震旦外国语中学一年一度的外语文化节在同学们翘首期盼中到来,“我们从这里走向世界--- 澳大利亚文化节”是本次外语节的主题,在一个多星期的时间里各项丰富多彩的文化节活动渗透了震旦外中初二年级每个学子的生活:精彩纷呈的Aurora Idol各班层层选拔,班级英文歌唱比赛、澳洲知识竞赛、英文阅读比赛、圣诞礼物交换、澳大利亚文化探究报告等多种丰富多彩的活动。其中在我们初二年级澳大利亚文化探究报告活动中,初二(1)班高艺宁同学所代表的小组在班级做的澳洲文化探究报告,给我们留下了深刻的印象。

初二年级探究的是澳大利亚西澳大利亚州的首府珀斯(Perth),也是澳大利亚第四大城市。高艺宁小组全英文介绍珀斯(Perth),她们声情并茂, 配以生动精美的视频、图文,条理清晰地介绍珀斯的基本概况,历史沿革、行政区划、地理环境、气候,旅游、教育、港口……等等,不到十分钟的演讲,严谨精妙的内容安排贯穿了整篇探究报告,时间和气氛把握的恰到好处,赢得了全体同学的高度赞誉和掌声,班级所有同学都觉得收获很大,对澳大利亚城市珀斯有了较为全面详尽的了解。

澳大利亚西澳大利亚州的首府珀斯(Perth),地处澳大利亚大陆西岸地中海气候地区,温和的气候与天鹅河(Swan River)沿岸的别致景色,使珀斯得以成为非常受欢迎的观光旅游目的地。

珀斯拥有广阔的居住空间及高水平的生活素质,于每年的世界最佳居住城市评选中都是名列前茅,反映出珀斯无论居住环境、生活素质及社会福利等都是极佳的城市。珀斯人的友善态度世界公认,曾于2003年获得世界最友善城市称号,得到世界性的赞赏及认同。福布斯2019年世界最负盛名城市榜中,珀斯排名16位 ,在2019年《经济学人信息社》(Economist Intelligence Unit’s)组织的世界最宜居城市排行榜公布排名,珀斯荣获全球最宜居城市第六位。

珀斯这个城市的名称来自苏格兰的同名城市。早在欧洲移民到来之前,土著居民已在斯旺河两岸定居很久了。1829年苏格兰航海家史特灵(James Stirling),与当时殖民地国务卿──乔治•墨瑞(George Murray)爵士一致决议以墨瑞的出生地和他在英国下议院里议会席位的所在地──珀斯郡(Perth Shire)命名为珀斯。

珀斯郡所在的殖民地天鹅河殖民地(Swan River Colony)在1850年之后改名为“西澳大利亚”(简称“西澳”)。最初这块新殖民地发展缓慢,1885年在斯旺河上游的卡尔古利发现了黄金,吸引了大批的新移民。随着铁路的修建和农业技术的发展,珀斯逐渐扩大。1900年, 经过公民表决后,西澳大利亚在1901年正式加入了澳大利亚联邦,亦是澳大利亚最后一个同意加入联邦的殖民地。

在发展历程中,珀斯得以繁荣的主要原因,是成为天然资源产业的一个重要服务中心。 作为一个对金、铁矿、镍、铝土、金刚石、矿物沙、煤炭、油以及天然气体庞大储备的城市,大多世界的主要资源和工程公司都在珀斯设有办公室。踏入1990年代,大多数时间都是由理查德•科特(Richard Court)领导的自由主义政府当政,珀斯亦从这时期开始步向繁荣发展,成为一座现代化的大都市。


——初二(1)班 汪忆菲、高艺宁

从各班班级英文歌唱比赛到Aurora Idol 的选拔,再到澳大利亚知识竞赛,英文阅读竞赛、还有圣诞礼物交换、澳大利亚文化探究报告,同学们都精心准备,也都很享受这些过程。



撰 稿: 王建华 姜 斌 朱丽东

编 辑: 朱颖丽 李 俊

审 稿: 何 明

历史 澳大利亚 英语丝瓜网 crfgs.com